Dziedniecība, Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību
Basic data | |||||||||||||
Name | Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību "Dziedniecība" Previous names | ||||||||||||
Legal form | Limited liability company (SIA) | ||||||||||||
Registration number, date | 40003074548, 13.05.1992 | ||||||||||||
Register, Included in The Register | Commercial register, 10.05.2004 | ||||||||||||
SEPA identifier | LV51ZZZ40003074548 | ||||||||||||
Data from the VAT Register |
Legal address | Legal address: Rīga, Rušonu iela 15, LV-1057 Other registered in this address | ||||||||||||
Postal address | Rušonu iela 15, Rīga, LV-1057 | ||||||||||||
Registration certificate number, date | Nr. C31618. 10.05.2004 | ||||||||||||
Fixed capital |
Paid capital - 142 142.00 EUR (Registered in State Enterprise register 27.06.2016) |
Activity code (NACE) |
Data updated in the Register of Enterprises | 04.08.2023 | ||||||||||||
The State support | The State support history (Actual record: 01.07.2020) |
Encumbrances | |
Liquidation process | Not registered |
Actual entry in the insolvency register | Not registered |
Current claims for payments | Sign in |
Actual pledge acts | Not registered |
Actual restrictions | Not registered |
Tax debts (as of date) |
Not registered as of 19.11.2024 Find out current information about tax debts |
Contact information | |
Phone |
+371 67131313 Reģistratūra +371 67250001 Galvenā ārste +371 67258850 Galvenā māsa, profilaktisko apskašu sekretāre |
Financial indicators (last submitted year) | ||
Year (last submitted) | Sign in | |
Sign in | ||
Turnover | ||
Profit after taxes | ||
Liquidity | ||
Profitability (return on assets) | ||
Number of employees |
Annual reports (33) | |||
2023 , Annual report , 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2023 , 26.07.2024 | 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2023 | Annual report | 26.07.2024 |
2023 , Consolidated Statement , 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2023 , 26.07.2024 | 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2023 | Consolidated Statement | 26.07.2024 |
2022 , Annual report , 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2022 , 31.07.2023 | 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2022 | Annual report | 31.07.2023 |
2022 , Consolidated Statement , 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2022 , 31.07.2023 | 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2022 | Consolidated Statement | 31.07.2023 |
2021 , Annual report , 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2021 , 27.10.2022 | 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2021 | Annual report | 27.10.2022 |
2021 , Consolidated Statement , 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2021 , 27.10.2022 | 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2021 | Consolidated Statement | 27.10.2022 |
2020 , Annual report , 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2020 , 28.10.2021 | 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2020 | Annual report | 28.10.2021 |
2020 , Consolidated Statement , 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2020 , 28.10.2021 | 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2020 | Consolidated Statement | 28.10.2021 |
2019 , Annual report , 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2019 , 30.10.2020 | 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2019 | Annual report | 30.10.2020 |
2019 , Consolidated Statement , 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2019 , 30.10.2020 | 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2019 | Consolidated Statement | 30.10.2020 |
2018 , Annual report , 01.01.2018 - 31.12.2018 , 29.07.2019 | 01.01.2018 - 31.12.2018 | Annual report | 29.07.2019 |
2017 , Annual report , 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2017 , 30.07.2018 | 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2017 | Annual report | 30.07.2018 |
2016 , Annual report , 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2016 , 13.07.2017 | 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2016 | Annual report | 13.07.2017 |
2015 , Annual report , 01.01.2015 - 31.12.2015 , 25.07.2016 | 01.01.2015 - 31.12.2015 | Annual report | 25.07.2016 |
2014 , Annual report , 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2014 , 30.07.2015 | 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2014 | Annual report | 30.07.2015 |
2013 , Annual report , 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2013 , 01.08.2014 | 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2013 | Annual report | 01.08.2014 |
2012 , Annual report , 01.01.2012 - 31.12.2012 , 29.08.2013 | 01.01.2012 - 31.12.2012 | Annual report | 29.08.2013 |
2011 , Annual report , 01.01.2011 - 31.12.2011 , 30.08.2012 | 01.01.2011 - 31.12.2011 | Annual report | 30.08.2012 |
2010 , Annual report , 01.01.2010 - 31.12.2010 , 07.09.2011 | 01.01.2010 - 31.12.2010 | Annual report | 07.09.2011 |
2009 , Annual report , 01.01.2009 - 31.12.2009 , 14.07.2010 | 01.01.2009 - 31.12.2009 | Annual report | 14.07.2010 |
2008 , Annual report , 01.01.2008 - 31.12.2008 , 08.05.2009 | 01.01.2008 - 31.12.2008 | Annual report | 08.05.2009 |
2007 , Annual report , 01.01.2007 - 31.12.2007 , 28.04.2008 | 01.01.2007 - 31.12.2007 | Annual report | 28.04.2008 |
2006 , Annual report , 01.01.2006 - 31.12.2006 , 27.04.2007 | 01.01.2006 - 31.12.2006 | Annual report | 27.04.2007 |
2005 , Annual report , 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2005 , 02.05.2006 | 01.01.2005 - 31.12.2005 | Annual report | 02.05.2006 |
2004 , Annual report , 01.01.2004 - 31.12.2004 , 28.04.2005 | 01.01.2004 - 31.12.2004 | Annual report | 28.04.2005 |
2003 , Annual report , 01.01.2003 - 31.12.2003 , 23.04.2004 | 01.01.2003 - 31.12.2003 | Annual report | 23.04.2004 |
2002 , Annual report , 01.01.2002 - 31.12.2002 , 30.04.2003 | 01.01.2002 - 31.12.2002 | Annual report | 30.04.2003 |
2001 , Annual report , 01.01.2001 - 31.12.2001 , 02.05.2002 | 01.01.2001 - 31.12.2001 | Annual report | 02.05.2002 |
2000 , Annual report , 01.01.2000 - 31.12.2000 , 04.05.2001 | 01.01.2000 - 31.12.2000 | Annual report | 04.05.2001 |
1999 , Annual report , 01.01.1999 - 31.12.1999 , 18.05.2000 | 01.01.1999 - 31.12.1999 | Annual report | 18.05.2000 |
1998 , Annual report , 01.01.1998 - 31.12.1998 , 19.07.2000 | 01.01.1998 - 31.12.1998 | Annual report | 19.07.2000 |
1997 , Annual report , , 19.07.2000 | Annual report | 19.07.2000 | |
1996 , Annual report , , | Annual report |
Tax payments to state budget (thous. EUR) |
Year | Total payments to state budget | Personal income tax | State mandatory social insurance contributions |
2023 | Sign in | ||
2022 | |||
Sign in |
Actual data
Due to amendments to the Commercial Law in connection with the official mandate, please become acquainted with the latest version of the statutes and the minutes of shareholders' meeting. This will help you to be sure that in these documents the expiry date of the mandate is not specified.
Actual data. Board (2) | |||
Time | Post, Rights to represent | ||
Natural person(s) (xxxxxx-xxxxx) | |||
From 25.01.2010 |
Member of the Board/ Right of sole representation |
Document country on the date of registration: Latvia | |||
Natural person(s) (xxxxxx-xxxxx) | |||
From 25.01.2010 |
Head of the board/ Right of sole representation |
Document country on the date of registration: Latvia |
Actual data. List of procurations (0) | ||||
No data |
Actual data. List of beneficial owners (2) | |||
Time | Country of residence | Citizenship | |
Natural person(s) (xxxxxx-xxxxx) | |||
From 27.11.2019 | Latvia | Latvia | |
Type of control: as a member Sign in |
Natural person(s) (xxxxxx-xxxxx) | |||
From 05.07.2019 | Latvia | Latvia | |
Type of control: as a member Sign in |
Awards | |
Comparative indices (2023 year) | |||
Index | Place | ||
Age of the company * 11452 - 11564 | 11452 - 11564 | ||
Net turnover
678 , Major
678 |
Major | |
Profit or loss
538 |
Equity capital
378 |
Fixed assets
761 |
684 |
Tangible assets
838 |
32235 , Companies
32235 |
Companies | |
47782 , Companies
47782 |
Companies | |
About the company's comparative indices |
Legal address on the map |
Publications (5) | |
“Dziedniecība” šogad plāno saglabāt pamatpakalpojumu pārdošanas apjoma pieauguma tempu | 28.10.2022 06:52 |
SIA “Dziedniecība”, kam pieder ar “MFD” zīmolu strādājošās medicīnas iestādes, 2021.gadā turpināja veiksmīgi realizēt apjomīgus taupīšanas pasākumus, kas ieviesti jau 2020.gadā, līdz ar pandēmijas sākumu |
Medicīnas pakalpojumu sniedzēja "MFD" apgrozījums 2020.gadā - 14,06 milj. EUR | 29.10.2021 07:39 |
Medicīnisko pakalpojumu sniedzējs SIA “Dziedniecība”, kas plašāk zināms kā “MFD”, 2020.gadā palielinājis savu apgrozījumu līdz 14,06 milj. EUR, liecina Lursoft pieejamais uzņēmuma gada pārskats |
"Latvijas Amerikas acu centrs" apgrozījums palielinājies par 4% | 13.07.2021 07:38 |
SIA “Latvijas Amerikas acu centrs” aizvadītajā gadā galvenokārt nodarbojies ar materiāli tehniskās bāzes uzlabošanu, jaunu pakalpojumu ieviešanu, filiāļu produktivitātes paaugstināšanu, procesu optimizēšanu un sniedzamo pakalpojumu kvalitātes uzlabošanu |
“Latvijas Amerikas acu centra” valdē ieceļ jaunu locekli | 06.12.2018 11:54 |
SIA “Latvijas Amerikas acu centrs” valdē 5.decembrī reģistrētas izmaiņas - valdi atstājusi valdes locekle Kristīne Ozoliņa-Kaļetova, kura šo amatu ieņēma kopš 2018.gada marta, ziņo “Lursoft” Klientu portfelis. |
“MFD Veselības grupa” iegādājas “Latvijas Amerikas acu centru” | 19.03.2018 10:40 |
Daudzprofila veselības aprūpes iestādes “MFD Veselības grupa” īpašnieks SIA “Dziedniecība” pagājušajā nedēļā 15.martā kļuvis par vienīgo SIA “Latvijas Amerikas acu centrs” īpašnieku, ziņo “Lursoft” Klientu portfelis. |