4 sekundes, sporta biedrība

Basic data
Name sporta biedrība "4 sekundes"
Legal form Society (BDR)
Registration number, date 40008168888, 02.12.2010
Register, Included in The Register Register of Associations and Foundations, 02.12.2010
SEPA identifier LV35ZZZ40008168888
Data from the VAT Register
(Data from the Tax Authority service is unavailable, with the most recent data as of 10.12.2024.)
Doesn't haveCheck in EU VAT register
Legal address Legal address: Smiltenes nov., Smiltene, Avotu iela 13, LV-4729 Previous addresses
Other registered in this address
Postal address Avotu iela 13, Smiltene, Smiltenes nov., LV-4729
Registration certificate number, date Nr. B013318. 02.12.2010
Goals of activities Biedrības mērķis ir sabiedriska labuma darbība, kas ietver un paredz:
1. riteņbraukšanas sporta atbalstīšana un attīstību Smiltenes novadā un Latvijā;
2. riteņbraukšanas kā veselību veicinoša sporta veida popularizēšanu;
3. izglītot, apmācīt un trenēt bērnus, jauniešus un jebkuru citu Smiltenes novada un Latvijas interesentu riteņbraukšanā;
4. piedalīties velosporta sacensībās un citās ar riteņbraukšanu saistītās aktivitātēs un pasākumos Latvijā un ārvalstīs;
5. organizēt velosporta sacensības un citas ar riteņbraukšanu saistītas aktivitātes ģimenēm, komandām un citiem interesentiem Smiltenes novadā un Latvijā;
6. popularizēt un reklamēt velosportu un riteņbraukšanu atbalstošos uzņēmumus un organizācijas.
Areas of activity Sporta atbalstīšana (Source: SRS )
Public benefit organisation status, date Annulled, 10.09.2021.
Report on public benefit organisation
Activity code (NACE)
  • Activities of other membership organisations n.e.c. (94.99, version 2.0) (Source: SRS, CSB)
  • Other sports activities (93.19, version 2.0) (Source: ZO.LV)
History of changes in activities
Data updated in the Register of Enterprises 12.09.2011
Liquidation process Not registered
Actual entry in the insolvency register Not registered
Current claims for payments Sign in
Actual pledge acts Not registered
Actual restrictions Not registered
Tax debts (as of date) Not registered as of 27.11.2024
Find out current information about tax debts
Contact information
Phone +371 28626262
+371 26495472
Financial indicators (last submitted year)
Year (last submitted) Sign in
Sign in
Profit after taxes
Profitability (return on assets)
Number of employees
Annual reports (13)
Tax payments to state budget
(thous. EUR)
Year Total payments to state budget Personal income tax State mandatory social insurance contributions
2021 Sign in

Actual data

Actual data. Executive body (2)
Time Post, Rights to represent
Natural person(s) (xxxxxx-xxxxx)
From 12.09.2011 Right of sole representation
Document country on the date of registration: Latvia
Natural person(s) (xxxxxx-xxxxx)
From 12.09.2011 Right of sole representation
Document country on the date of registration: Latvia
Actual data. List of procurations (0)
Actual data. List of beneficial owners (0)
Legal address on the map
4 sekundes Legal address on the map
Publications (0)