Stova, SIA

Basic data
Name SIA "Stova"
Legal form Limited liability company (SIA)
Registration number, date 40103912754, 10.07.2015
Register, Included in The Register Commercial register, 10.07.2015
SEPA identifier LV88ZZZ40103912754
Data from the VAT Register
VAT identification number Status Registered Excluded
LV40103912754 Isn't active 31.07.201528.01.2021
Legal address Legal address: Rīga, Biķernieku iela 145, LV-1021 Previous addresses
Other registered in this address
Postal address Biķernieku iela 145, Rīga, LV-1021
Reorganized 28.01.2021
Fixed capital Paid capital - 2 800.00 EUR (Registered in State Enterprise register 10.07.2015)
Registered capital - 2 800.00 EUR (Registered in State Enterprise register 10.07.2015)
Activity code (NACE)
  • Service activities incidental to land transportation (52.21, version 2.0) (Source: SRS, CSB, ZO.LV)
History of changes in activities
Data updated in the Register of Enterprises 28.01.2021
Financial indicators (last submitted year)
Year (last submitted) Sign in
Sign in
Profit after taxes
Profitability (return on assets)
Number of employees
Annual reports (5)
Tax payments to state budget
(thous. EUR)
Year Total payments to state budget Personal income tax State mandatory social insurance contributions
2021 Sign in
Sign in

Actual data

Actual data. List of procurations (0)
Actual data. List of beneficial owners (0)
  • SRS In-depth Cooperation Programme. BRONZE LEVEL
<br>Since January 1, 2019, SRS has launched an expanded model of the In-depth Cooperation Programme. All participating taxpayers have been divided into three levels, depending on their extent of operations (Gold, Silver, Bronze)</br>; 2020., 2021. year 
    2020., 2021. year
Comparative indices
Index Place
Registered capital * 90155 - 103557
 90155 - 103557

About the company's comparative indices

Legal address on the map
Stova Legal address on the map
Publications (1)
Mainījies “Europark Latvia” īpašnieks 23.05.2019 10:34

Par autostāvvietu apsaimniekotāja SIA "Europark Latvia" vienīgo īpašnieku kļuvis uzņēmums SIA “Stova”, kas pieder Lietuvā reģistrētai kompānijai UAB “Parkdema” un kuras patiesā labuma guvēji ir mazumtirgotāja “Maxima” īpašnieka “Vilniaus prekyba” mazākuma akcionārs Mindaugas Marcinkevičius un Kestutis Martinkenas, ziņo “Lursoft” Klientu portfelis.