KAFE SERVISS, Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību

Basic data
Name Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību "KAFE SERVISS"
Legal form Limited liability company (SIA)
Registration number, date 40003419037, 16.11.1998
Register, Included in The Register Commercial register, 05.03.2003
SEPA identifier LV81ZZZ40003419037
Data from the VAT Register
VAT identification number Status Registered Excluded
LV40003419037 Isn't active 27.11.199801.06.2021
Legal address Legal address: Stopiņu nov., Dreiliņi, Jasmīnu iela 1, LV-2130 Previous addresses
Other registered in this address
Postal address Jasmīnu iela 1, Dreiliņi, Stopiņu nov., LV-2130
Reorganized 01.06.2021
Fixed capital Paid capital - 448 166.00 EUR (Registered in State Enterprise register 29.07.2015)
Registered capital - 448 166.00 EUR (Registered in State Enterprise register 29.07.2015)
Activity code (NACE)
  • Other retail sale not in stores, stalls or markets (47.99, version 2.0) (Source: SRS, CSB, ZO.LV)
History of changes in activities
Data updated in the Register of Enterprises 01.06.2021
The State support The State support history  (Actual record: 17.05.2021)
Financial indicators (last submitted year)
Year (last submitted) Sign in
Sign in
Profit after taxes
Profitability (return on assets)
Number of employees
Annual reports (22)
Tax payments to state budget
(thous. EUR)
Year Total payments to state budget Personal income tax State mandatory social insurance contributions
2021 Sign in
Sign in

Actual data

Actual data. List of procurations (0)
Actual data. List of beneficial owners (0)
  • SRS In-depth Cooperation Programme. BRONZE LEVEL
<br>Since January 1, 2019, SRS has launched an expanded model of the In-depth Cooperation Programme. All participating taxpayers have been divided into three levels, depending on their extent of operations (Gold, Silver, Bronze)</br>; 2020., 2021. year 
    2020., 2021. year
Comparative indices
Index Place
Registered capital * 1806

About the company's comparative indices

Legal address on the map
KAFE SERVISS Legal address on the map
Publications (3)
"Kafe Serviss" aizvadītajā finanšu gadā piedzīvojis 15,6% apgrozījuma kritumu 02.03.2021 09:49

SIA “Kafe Serviss”, kas šobrīd apkalpo vairāk nekā 1500 karsto dzērienu tirdzniecības automātus un 1000 espresso automātus, pērn spējis nostiprināt savas pozīcijas, kā rezultātā ir vadošais spēlētājs savā nozarē Latvijā

“Kafe Serviss” pārjaunojis komercķīlu 09.04.2019 08:48

Karsto dzērienu un uzkodu tirdzniecības automātu iznomātājs un tirgotājs SIA “Kafe Serviss” pārjaunojis komercķīlu, dubultojot ar komercķīlu nodrošinātā prasījuma maksimālo summu līdz 1,04 miljoniem eiro, ziņo “Lursoft” Klientu portfelis.

Kafe serviss apgrozījums 2014. gadā sasniedzis 3,329 milj.EUR 04.03.2015 09:21
Gada pārskatu par uzņēmuma darbību 2014. gadā iesniedzis SIA Kafe serviss.