ITHAL Latvia, Akciju sabiedrība

Basic data
Name Akciju sabiedrība "ITHAL Latvia"
Legal form Joint stock company (AS)
Registration number, date 40003759371, 03.08.2005
Register, Included in The Register Commercial register, 03.08.2005
SEPA identifier LV67ZZZ40003759371
Data from the VAT Register
VAT identification number Status Registered Excluded
LV40003759371 Isn't active 12.08.200525.02.2015
Legal address Legal address: Rīga, Uriekstes iela 3, LV-1005 Previous addresses
Other registered in this address
Postal address Uriekstes iela 3, Rīga, LV-1005
Liquidated 28.12.2015
Fixed capital Paid capital - 455 318.98 EUR (Registered in State Enterprise register 28.12.2006)
Registered capital - 455 318.98 EUR (Registered in State Enterprise register 28.12.2006)
Activity code (NACE)
  • Renting and leasing of construction and civil engineering machinery and equipment (77.32, version 2.0) (Source: AR2012, CSB, ZO.LV)
History of changes in activities
Data updated in the Register of Enterprises 28.12.2015
Financial indicators (last submitted year)
Year (last submitted) Sign in
Sign in
Profit after taxes
Profitability (return on assets)
Number of employees
Annual reports (7)
Tax payments to state budget
(thous. EUR)
Year Total payments to state budget Personal income tax State mandatory social insurance contributions
2014 Sign in

Actual data

Actual data. List of procurations (0)
Actual data. List of shareholders (0)
Actual data. List of beneficial owners (0)
Comparative indices
Index Place
Registered capital * 1742 - 1746
 1742 - 1746

About the company's comparative indices

Legal address on the map
ITHAL Latvia Legal address on the map
Publications (1)
No PVN reģistra plānots izslēgt AS ITHAL LATVIA 25.02.2015 15:12
Valsts ieņēmumu dienests šā gada 20. februārī pieņēmis lēmumu par AS ITHAL LATVIA izslēgšanu no PVN reģistra š.g. 25. februārī.