Basic data
Name Culligan Latvia SIA Previous names
Legal form Limited liability company (SIA)
Registration number, date 40003387808, 02.04.1998
Register, Included in The Register Commercial register, 13.01.2003
SEPA identifier LV43ZZZ40003387808
Data from the VAT Register
VAT identification number Status Registered Excluded
LV40003387808 Is active 16.04.1998
Legal address Legal address: Ādažu nov., Ādaži, Rīgas gatve 8, LV-2164 Previous addresses
Other registered in this address
Postal address Rīgas gatve 8, Ādaži, Ādažu nov., LV-2164
Beneficial owners reported Yes
Registration certificate number, date Nr. C07409. 13.01.2003
Fixed capital Paid capital - 2 894 120.00 EUR (Registered in State Enterprise register 24.10.2023)
Activity code (NACE)
  • Manufacture of soft drinks; production of mineral waters and other bottled waters (11.07, version 2.0) (Source: SRS)
  • Manufacture of soft drinks and bottled waters (11.07, version 2.1) (Source: CSB)
  • Other retail sale not in stores, stalls or markets (47.99, version 2.0) (Source: ZO.LV)
Data updated in the Register of Enterprises 02.01.2025
The State support The State support history  (Actual record: 30.06.2020)
Liquidation process Not registered
Actual entry in the insolvency register Not registered
Current claims for payments Sign in
Actual pledge acts Not registered
Actual restrictions Not registered
Tax debts (as of date) Not registered as of 16.01.2025
Find out current information about tax debts
Contact information
Phone +371 67808181
Financial indicators (last submitted year)
Year (last submitted) Sign in
Sign in
Profit after taxes
Profitability (return on assets)
Number of employees
Annual reports (29)
Tax payments to state budget
(thous. EUR)
Year Total payments to state budget Personal income tax State mandatory social insurance contributions
2023 Sign in
Sign in

Actual data

Actual data. Board (3)
Time Post, Rights to represent
Natural person(s) (xxxxxx-xxxxx)
From 26.03.2024 Member of the Board/ Together with at least 1
Document country on the date of registration: United Kingdom
Natural person(s) (xxxxxx-xxxxx)
From 26.03.2024 Member of the Board/ Together with at least 1
If person have a personal identification number of the Republic of Latvia, the data "At the time of registration of the document's state record" is not available.
Natural person(s) (xxxxxx-xxxxx)
From 19.07.2024 Member of the Board/ Together with at least 1
If person have a personal identification number of the Republic of Latvia, the data "At the time of registration of the document's state record" is not available.
Changes in personal data. Actual data. Board (1)
Time Post, Rights to represent
Natural person(s) (xxxxxx-xxxxx)

From personal ID number
To personal ID number

Actual data. List of procurations (1)
Time Range of rights Registered in State Enterprise register
From 10.03.2016 Without rights to dispossess real property
Without rights to pledge real property
Without rights to encumber real property with rights in rem
Together with at least 1
Natural person(s) (xxxxxx-xxxxx)
If person have a personal identification number of the Republic of Latvia, the data "At the time of registration of the document's state record" is not available.
Actual data. List of shareholders (1)
TimeSharesValueSharePercentNumber of votesRegistered in State Enterprise register
Eden Springs Scandinavia AB(Registration number: 556623-2046)Karins vag 7, 194 61 Upplands Vasby, Zviedrija
From 12.05.2023 2894120 1.00 EUR 2 894 120.00 EUR 100.00 % 2894120 24.10.2023
Document country on the date of registration: Sweden
Actual data. List of beneficial owners (1)
Time Country of residence Citizenship
Natural person(s) (xxxxxx-xxxxx)
From 19.07.2024 United States United States

Type of control: other

Sign in
  • SRS In-depth Cooperation Programme. BRONZE LEVEL
<br>Since January 1, 2019, SRS has launched an expanded model of the In-depth Cooperation Programme. All participating taxpayers have been divided into three levels, depending on their extent of operations (Gold, Silver, Bronze)</br>; 2020., 2021., 2022., 2023. year 
    2020., 2021., 2022., 2023. year
Comparative indices (2023 year)
Index Place
Age of the company * 40614 - 40630
 40614 - 40630
Net turnover
  2467 , Major
Profit or loss
Equity capital
Fixed assets
Tangible assets
  79814 , Companies
  23889 , Companies

About the company's comparative indices

Legal address on the map
Culligan Latvia Legal address on the map
Publications (9)
“Eden Springs Latvia” plāno turpmākajos gados celt cenas 02.10.2024 09:30

Fasēta dzeramā ūdens ražošanas un tirdzniecības uzņēmums SIA “Eden Springs Latvia” pagājušajā gadā palielinājis klientu bāzi par 14,5%

Nomainīta "Eden Springs Latvia" valde 27.03.2024 09:18

Lursoft Klientu Portfeļa monitorings ziņo, ka izmaiņas reģistrētas SIA “Eden Springs Latvia” valdes sastāvā

“Eden Springs Latvia” pamatkapitāls palielināts par 500 tūkst. EUR 25.10.2023 05:48

Lursoft Klientu Portfeļa monitorings ziņo, ka SIA “Eden Springs Latvia” pamatkapitāls palielināts no 2,39 milj. EUR līdz 2,89 milj. EUR

“Eden Springs Latvia” trešo gadu pēc kārtas zaudējumi 28.08.2023 07:23

Fasētā dzeramā ūdens ražotājs un tirgotājs SIA “Eden Springs Latvia” 2022. gadā palielinājis apgrozījumu par 23% un klientu bāzi par 4%

“Eden Springs Latvia” pērn strādājis ar zaudējumiem 04.08.2022 06:24

Fasēta dzeramā ūdens ražotājs un tirgotājs SIA “Eden Springs Latvia” savā iesniegtajā vadības ziņojumā norādījis, ka 2021.gadā tas saskāries ar Covid-19 pandēmijas izraisītajām problēmām

“Eden Springs Latvia” pērn atkal atgriezies pie zaudējumiem 27.08.2021 06:47

Fasēta dzeramā ūdens ražotājs un tirgotājs SIA “Eden Springs Latvia” 2020.gadā saskāries ar Covid-19 pandēmijas izraisītajām problēmām gan klientu skaita samazinājumā, gan vidējā apgrozījuma apjomā uz vienu klientu

"Eden Springs Latvia" pērn samazinājis zaudējumus 29.08.2019 07:26

Dzeramā ūdens ražotājs SIA “Eden Springs Latvia” 2018. gadā strādājis ar neto apgrozījumu 3,750 miljonu eiro apmērā, kas bija par 3,3% jeb 121 tūkstoti eiro vairāk, nekā 2017. gadā, ziņo “Lursoft” Klientu portfelis.

“Eden Springs Latvia” apgrozījums pērn aug par 13,6% 20.12.2017 12:07

Dzeramā ūdens ražotājs SIA “Eden Springs Latvia” 2016.gadā strādājis ar apgrozījumu 3,619 miljonu eiro apmērā, kas bija par 13,6% vairāk nekā 2015.gadā, ziņo “Lursoft” Klientu Portfelis.

Eden Springs Latvia arī pērn turpinājis strādāt ar zaudējumiem 23.08.2016 10:04

Pagājušajā gadā ar apgrozījuma pieaugumu strādājis dzeramā ūdens ražotājs un tirgotājs SIA Eden Springs Latvia, ziņo Klientu Portfeļa monitorings.

Gada pārskatā publicētā informācija liecina, ka 2015.gadā uzņēmuma apgrozījums palielinājies par 24,52%, sasniedzot 3,186 milj.EUR.