Limbažu Ugunsdrošības apvienība, Biedrība

Basic data
Name Biedrība "Limbažu Ugunsdrošības apvienība"
Legal form Society (BDR)
Registration number, date 40008315971, 17.05.2022
Register, Included in The Register Register of Associations and Foundations, 17.05.2022
SEPA identifier LV71ZZZ40008315971
Data from the VAT Register Doesn't haveCheck in EU VAT register
Legal address Legal address: Limbažu nov., Limbaži, Ķiršu iela 6, LV-4001 Other registered in this address
Postal address Ķiršu iela 6, Limbaži, Limbažu nov., LV-4001
Goals of activities 1.Veicināt iedzīvotājus iesaisti apkārtējās vides sakārtošanā, saglabāšanā un novada teritorijas attīstībā.
2. Vairot Limbažu, un citu Latvijas pilsētu iedzīvotāju izpratni par ugunsdrošības prasībām atbilstoši Ministru kabineta noteikumiem.
3. Apmācīt vai atgādināt par apzinīgu pieeju dažādām dzīves situācijām iedzīvotājus, tā lai mazinātu traumu vai īpašumu bojājumu risku.
4. Mazināt novēršamos (cilvēka faktora izraisītus) nelaimes gadījumus, kas saistīti ar uguni un citiem bīstamiem aspektiem.
5. Sadarboties ar Valsts ugunsdzēsības un glābšanas dienestu (VUGD) ugunsdrošības profilakses jautājumos un ugunsgrēku dzēšanā.
6. Veicināt interešu izglītību un mūžizglītību.
7. Informēt un apmācīt iedzīvotājus ugunsdrošības un civilās aizsardzības jautājumos.
8. Veikt profilaktiskos un organizatoriskos pasākumus ugunsgrēku un nelaimes gadījumu novēršanā sabiedriskajās ēkās, ražotnēs un dzīvojamā sektorā.
Activity code (NACE)
  • Public order and safety activities (84.24, version 2.0) (Source: SRS, ZO.LV)
Data updated in the Register of Enterprises 17.05.2022
Liquidation process Not registered
Actual entry in the insolvency register Not registered
Current claims for payments Sign in
Actual pledge acts Not registered
Actual restrictions Not registered
Tax debts (as of date) Not registered as of 23.01.2025
Find out current information about tax debts
Financial indicators (last submitted year)
Year (last submitted) Sign in
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Profit after taxes
Profitability (return on assets)
Number of employees

Actual data

Actual data. Executive body (3)
Time Post, Rights to represent
Natural person(s) (xxxxxx-xxxxx)
From 17.05.2022 Right of sole representation
If person have a personal identification number of the Republic of Latvia, the data "At the time of registration of the document's state record" is not available.
Natural person(s) (xxxxxx-xxxxx)
From 17.05.2022 Right of sole representation
If person have a personal identification number of the Republic of Latvia, the data "At the time of registration of the document's state record" is not available.
Natural person(s) (xxxxxx-xxxxx)
From 17.05.2022 Right of sole representation
If person have a personal identification number of the Republic of Latvia, the data "At the time of registration of the document's state record" is not available.
Actual data. List of procurations (0)
Actual data. List of beneficial owners (3)
Time Country of residence Citizenship
Natural person(s) (xxxxxx-xxxxx)
From 17.05.2022 Latvia Latvia

Type of control: as a member of association

Type of control: as a representative of the executive or administrative body

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Natural person(s) (xxxxxx-xxxxx)
From 17.05.2022 Latvia Latvia

Type of control: as a member of association

Type of control: as a representative of the executive or administrative body

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Natural person(s) (xxxxxx-xxxxx)
From 17.05.2022 Latvia Latvia

Type of control: as a member of association

Type of control: as a representative of the executive or administrative body

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Legal address on the map
Limbažu Ugunsdrošības apvienība Legal address on the map
Publications (0)