Basic data
Name "JVĢ fonds"
Legal form Foundation (NOD)
Registration number, date 40008316835, 29.06.2022
Register, Included in The Register Register of Associations and Foundations, 29.06.2022
SEPA identifier LV23ZZZ40008316835
Data from the VAT Register Doesn't haveCheck in EU VAT register
Legal address Legal address: Jelgava, Mātera iela 44, LV-3001 Other registered in this address
Postal address Mātera iela 44, Jelgava, LV-3001
Goals of activities 1. Jelgavas Valsts ģimnāzijas ilgtspējīgas attīstības veicināšana;
2. ģimnāzijas pasākumu organizēšana atbilstoši fonda mērķiem;
3. sadarbības veicināšana ar ģimnāzijas absolventiem un absolventu reģistra veidošana;
4. ar ģimnāzijas attīstību, tēla veidošanu, sadarbību saistītu projektu realizēšana;
5. ģimnāzijas materiāli tehniskās bāzes pilnveidošana;
6. materiālā atbalsta sniegšana iesaistīto pušu atbalstam - ģimnāzijas skolēniem, esošajiem un bijušajiem pedagogiem, darbiniekiem, absolventiem un vecākiem;
7. ziedojumu piesaiste fonda mērķu realizācijai.
Areas of activity Citur neklasificēta biedrība vai nodibinājums (Source: State Enterprise register)
Activity code (NACE)
  • Activities of other membership organisations n.e.c. (94.99, version 2.0) (Source: SRS, ZO.LV)
History of changes in activities
Data updated in the Register of Enterprises 30.06.2022
Liquidation process Not registered
Actual entry in the insolvency register Not registered
Current claims for payments Sign in
Actual pledge acts Not registered
Actual restrictions Not registered
Tax debts (as of date) Not registered as of 20.11.2024
Find out current information about tax debts
Financial indicators (last submitted year)
Year (last submitted) Sign in
Sign in
Profit after taxes
Profitability (return on assets)
Number of employees
Annual reports (2)

Actual data

Actual data. Board (3)
Time Post, Rights to represent
Natural person(s) (xxxxxx-xxxxx)
From 29.06.2022 Together with at least 2
Document country on the date of registration: Latvia
Natural person(s) (xxxxxx-xxxxx)
From 30.06.2022 Together with at least 2
Document country on the date of registration: Latvia
Natural person(s) (xxxxxx-xxxxx)
From 29.06.2022 Together with at least 2
Document country on the date of registration: Latvia
Actual data. List of procurations (0)
Actual data. List of beneficial owners (1)
Not possible to identify a beneficiary of the legal entity. Registered 29.06.2022
Legal address on the map
JVĢ fonds Legal address on the map
Publications (0)